Budoshin Ju-Jitsu
The Gentle Art of Self-Defense

Uki Otoshi

[Quick Learn Process]

The standard Uki Otoshi [in Budoshin Ju-Jitsu] is a really beautiful throw once you learn it. However, getting there can be a very frustrating process. I learned the throw after many hours of frustration and trying to believe that I could do the throw – get both of my feet off the ground straight out to the right side of my uke, snap turn to my left, and execute the throw. Much easier said than done.
In the mid 1970’s three of my junior high brown belt students showed me an easier way to learn the technique. We tried it with a few other students and discovered that the brown belts creativity had made a major breakthrough in helping student easily learn a “difficult” throw.
Learning the throw requires three people — tori, uke, and tori holder.
Please keep in mind that this uki-otoshi has a physical limitation. It works best when used against people who are bigger [taller & heavier] than you are unless you can execute this throw exceptionally well [which some people can]. Conversely if you try to do this on a person smaller [lighter or shorter] than you are you are liable to force them backwards onto the ground with you on top of them.
Thanks to Glenda Perl for being the tori, Byron Davis for being the uke, and Michael Langewisch for the photography.
This uki otoshi can be found on page 78 of Jujitsu: Basic Techniques of the Gentle Art – – Expanded Edition, or Technique #8 on video #3 of the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Black Belt Home Study Course.
#1 Glenda [tori] grabs hold of Byron’s [uke] sleeves. [It would have been better if Glenda had grabbed around Byron’s neck from his left side or over & around his right shoulder/arm[ as for a karada makikomi – body winding throw]. It would have put her back against Byron’s chest when she jumped up. However, that is not of critical importance in this series of pix.
#2 George [tori holder] has reached in & grabbed tori’s belt in her right front.
#3 Glenda then kicks her right leg up [which George grabs & holds] as she comes in closer to Byron to set up the uki otoshi. George is also still holding her belt.
#4 Glenda kicks her left leg up as George holds both legs with his right arm and her body by holding onto her obi/belt. George is holding her in this position off of the ground. 
#5 As Glenda pulls Byron’s sleeve and turns to her left George slowly lowers her to the ground, holding onto her obi until she gets close to the ground.
#6 Once Glenda gets the throw going, George lets go completely and Byron takes the fall.

This process is repeated at least 2-3 more times as the student gains confidence. Once the tori holder [or sensei] decides that the student is jumping up & executing the throw properly he will hold onto the belt & legs for less and less time. Usually around the 3rd-5th time the tori holder can just reach for & hold the belt very lightly & as the tori comes in to execute the throw, let go completely. Do NOT tell the uke you are not going to hold onto the belt until after the throw during which you did not hold onto the belt. Let tori know ONLY after the tori has executed the throw completely on their own.