Budoshin Ju-Jitsu
The Gentle Art of Self-Defense


George Kirby BBmag

Let’s get straight to the point! You’d like to earn your black belt in Budoshin Jujitsu or expand and/or hopefully improve your technical base by learning elements of this traditional Japanese martial art – – – right? Well, I believe you can and I’m willing to help you reach your goal[s].  With your dedication and commitment I believe you can become more proficient in your martial art and/or earn your black belt in Budoshin Jujitsu. 

Welcome to the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Yudanshakai website. You’re reading this because you want to learn more about this traditional martial art, [which also forms the core BJJ,MMA, Judo, Aikido, and some Karate ryu]  possibly securing your black belt and maybe teach the art to others. I’m here to help you reach your goals. 

I’m George Kirby, 10th dan Budoshin Ju-Jitsu; teaching traditional Japanese ju-jitsu since 1967. I created the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Yudanshakai [BJJY] in 1994 to help you learn and master Budoshin JuJitsu. I am offering you a solid instructional program supported by today’s technology.




This website is different because it’s not a just a dojo or organization website. The goal of this website is to present an instructional program and  supporting resources in traditional jujitsu – – geared to your success. 

It’s also geared to fine-tuning some of your skills found in other martial arts or jujitsu ryu.  The Technical Help link [under “Training-Testing”] is a veritable library of instructional aids and resources oriented towards helping you become more proficient, whether it be in jujitsu or your own martial art. [Click HERE for link.]

This website will provide you with access to all the information you will need to secure your success. At first glance it may seem like a lot for you to absorb and master. However, as you advance in Budoshin Jujitsu you’ll realize that there’s a logical sequence of learning, and advancing in the art becomes an easy process for you as you develop newer abilities based on skills you’ve already learned.


Yes, I have been teaching Ju-Jitsu for over 57 years as an avocation, but I am also a retired fully credentialed public school teacher who designed instructional programs, trained future teachers and served as a resource for those who wished to improve their teaching skills as I continued to improve mine. This continuous training, sense of professionalism, and desire to provide my public school students, [my “kids”] with a totally transparent educational process. I worked with my “kids” so they could succeed – – – and succeed well because that was my responsibility as their teacher.

All of the instructional materials on this website, [books, videos, training tips, and other materials], reflect that transparent process. All materials are cross-referenced to provide multiple learning approaches to the same information essential to your success.


Budoshin Ju-Jitsu is based on the teachings of Jack “Sanzo” Seki and a lineage tracing back through Ibaragi Toshifusa [1597-1677], founder of Kito-Ryu Ju-Jitsu, and Takagi Orieman Shigenbudo [1615-1711], founder of Yoshin Ryu Ju-Jitsu. The strong emphasis on self-defense, efficient and smooth movement, and an inherent philosophy of honor, respect, self-control, and non-violence, has made Budoshin Ju-Jitsu an extremely effective martial art – even in today’s world. Experienced practitioners of Budoshin Ju-Jitsu can subtly thwart an attack with minimal effort, create varying degrees of pain to subdue and control an assailant with little or no injury, or severely injure and incapacitate a violent attacker if necessary – all within a few seconds. Ju-Jitsu is the parent art of most of today’s martial arts and trends. Ju-Jitsu is used by military, law-enforcement and protective-service agencies throughout the world. It has survived through the ages because it is such an effective form of self-defense, means to control an attacker, and works regardless of the size of the practitioner.

Ideally the best situation would be for you to learn Budoshin Ju-Jitsu in a dojo with a qualified instructor. But until 1992 you were simply just out of luck.


The Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Black Belt Home Study Course was released by Panther Productions in 1992 and the martial arts world has never been the same. The acceptance and use of one technological innovation after another helped develop the strong and modern instructional support program that exists today. Even now, 29 years later, the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu program continues to be the technological leader in the martial arts community.
–All training videos up through 5th dan are available as mp4 files for quick & easy downloading. 
–Additional training helps on YouTube [and individual help on Hightail for BJJY members].
–Techniques in all books and videos are cross-referenced to the Student and Black Belt Handbooks so you’ll know exactly what techniques are required at various belt levels.
–Rapid response emails [usually within 24 hours] to your emailed questions or concerns.
–Implementation of Zoom technology in 2020 for periodic workshops open to the entire martial arts community & posted on YouTube under “Budoshin Jujitsu Episode”.
–Belt tests below brown belt can be done via video & submitted online using a free link using Hightail, a drop-box service I use. Usually you will an audio evaluation within 1-3 days.
–Brown and black belt testing done directly and securely using Zoom as it allows for effective two-way communication and a more personalized testing process.


All of this provide will you with a uniquely personal and highly efficient training program designed to help you learn and master Budoshin Ju-Jitsu no matter where you are in the world. All you need is a training partner and a safe workout area/mats.

You will always know where you are, where you’re going, and what you’ll have to do to get there. There are no secrets, there will be no surprises, and one day you  may be addressed as “sensei” as you teach Budoshin Jujitsu to others. 


Check out the details. If you have questions just click HERE. I’ll answer them promptly. I’m here to help you succeed because YOU CAN DO IT

Most cordially,
George Kirby


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