Budoshin Ju-Jitsu
The Gentle Art of Self-Defense

Combination Specials!

There are 3 “combo” deals below which can save you a lot of money in the long-run.
If you’d like to create your own “special package” make a list of what you want and email me by clicking HERE.
Order your “combo deal” at the bottom of the page.

Platinum Package

Jujitsu Advanced Tech to ROE
Adv Jujitsu The Science
Jujitsu Jujitsu Toward One Tech
BJJ Logo 150pix
Student Handbook 100-1
kokoro 201910
The Platinum Package includes almost everything you need to study for black belt except mats, and a training partner. If you’re serious about getting your black belt this is the way to go & can save you some “big bucks” in the long run. The Platinum Package includes:

 = Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Black Belt Home Study Course – all 8 video MP4 files
 = Jujitsu: Basic Techniques of the Gentle Art – NEW Expanded Edition
 = Jujitsu: Advanced Techniques for Redirecting an Opponent’s Energy
 = Jujitsu: Toward One Technique
= Advanced Jujitsu: The Science Behind the Gentle Art
= Budoshin Ju-Jitsu [the “big book”] sent to you as a .pdf file =
=ALL back issues of Kokoro [ 1000+ pages] sent to you as an indexed .pdf file
= Complete 5-year BJJY Membership Package [which includes the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Student Handbook, a BJJY crest/patch & decal, plus three free video evaluations per year]. Budoshin Ju-Jitsu [the “big book”], Student Handbook and Kokoro [newsletter sent to you as .pdf files. 
Platinum Package Regular/Full Price [if each item purchased separately]: $450.60 + s&h — discounted to — $346.95 + s&h.

Gold Package

kokoro 201910
Student Handbook 100-1
BJJ Logo 150pix
The Gold Package is great if you already have my books. 
The Gold Package includes:
 = Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Black Belt Home Study Course – all 8 video MP4 files
 = ALL back issues of Kokoro [1000+ pages] sent to you as an indexed .pdf files
 = Complete 5-year BJJY Membership Package [which includes the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Student Handbook, a BJJY crest/patch & decal, plus three free video evaluations per year]. Student Handbook and Kokoro [newsletter sent to you as .pdf files. Acrobat Reader [free download] or other pdf reading software required]
Gold Package Regular/Full Price: $350.85 + s&h — discounted to —  $265.95 + s&h

Silver Package

Jujitsu Advanced Tech to ROE
Adv Jujitsu The Science
Jujitsu Jujitsu Toward One Tech
kokoro 201910
Student Handbook 100-1
BJJ Logo 150pix
You bought the 8-DVD OR MP4 set and now you want everything else? 
Well, here it is — the Silver Package.
The Silver Package contains:
 = JuJitsu: Basic  Techniques of the Gentle Art – NEW Expanded Edition
 = Jujitsu: Advanced Techniques for Redirecting an Opponent’s Energy
 = Jujitsu: Toward One Technique
 = Advanced Jujitsu: The Science Behind the Gentle Art
 = Budoshin Ju-Jitsu [the “big book”] sent to you as a .pdf file
 = ALL back issues of Kokoro [1000+ pages] sent to you as an indexed .pdf file
 = Complete 5-year BJJY Membership Package [which includes the Student Handbook, a BJJY crest/patch & decal, plus three free video evaluations per year]. Budoshin Ju-Jitsu [the “big book”], Student Handbook and Kokoro [newsletter sent to you as .pdf files. Acrobat Reader [free download] or other pdf reading software required]
Silver Package Regular/Full Price: $350.70 + s&h — discounted to — $265.95 + s&h


The 8-DVD set [DVD format] will NOT be available until further notice! 

Buy now with PayPal

Choose your “Package”
Choose one if you ordered Platinum or Gold:
Autograph books to:
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