Budoshin Ju-Jitsu
The Gentle Art of Self-Defense

Budoshin Jujitsu Dan Grade Requirements

The technical [mat] requirements for promotion to yudansha [black belt] grades, as taught in Budoshin Ju-Jitsu, are listed below. The Budoshin Yudanshakai Black Belt Handbook, which is available to qualified black belt candidates, contains all of the requirements for evaluation and promotion to the yudansha grades. The technical criteria below have been approved &/or accepted by the American Ju-Jitsu Association as well as numerous other national and international groups.
Thanks to Michael Langewisch, Yodan, for designing the layout for most of the material on this page. Thanks to Bruce Geyman, Nidan, for providing the impetus to get me to complete & post the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu kata references.
To quickly access each of the following sections on this page just click on the specific item below:

Black Belt Syllabus — Kata

Black Belt Syllabus — Waza

Black Belt Syllabus — Other Areas of Measurement

Black Belt Titles & Formalities

Additional Notes & Requirements

To purchase the Budoshin Jujitsu Student Handbook or Budoshin Jujitsu Black Belt Handbook [which would come free as a part of your BJJY membership package] just click HERE.

Black Belt Syllabus:

Below is a core list of techniques, in alphabetical order, required for dan grade advancement up through 5th dan [godan].   Please keep in mind that each kata and waza listed below may have several variations, some with similar or different names.  The longer you study the more variations you will learn.  Waza are freestyle techniques and should include a defensive response and/or loosening-up techniques, the actual kata, and a submission or comealong (as applicable).

Budoshin Ju-Jitsu References:

JB = Jujitsu: Basic Techniques of the Gentle Art [Expanded ed]
JI = Jujitsu: Intermediate Techniques of the Gentle Art
JN = Jujitsu Nerve Techniques
BB = Budoshin Jujitsu [Big Book]
V = Budoshin Jujitsu Black Belt Home Study Course [8-dvds or mp4 files] [1st number is volume #, 2nd number is technique # on dvd or mp4 file]

Shodan Kata:

Mae, Ushiro, Yoko Ukemi (Forward, Rear, Side Roll Fall]

JB-35, 36, 38, 40, 42

Ago No Maki Shimi Waza (Chin-Turn – reversing a headlock on the ground)

JI-216, BB-585, V6-6

Ashi Makikomi (Foot Winding Throw – foot stomp to face on ground)


Ashi Tatake (Foot-hook Body-roll Elbow-strike – for kick to side on ground)


Ashi Tatake (Leg-Strike Rear Takedown)

JB-50, JI-180, 200, BB-293, 786, 789, V1-8, V4-15, V5-8

Ashi Waza (Leg, Ankle, or Foot Technique)

JI-202, BB-790, 808, V2-3, V6-4

Ashi Yoko Nage (Foot-Twist Winding Throw)

JB-50; JI-96, 202, BB-357, V4-7

Atama Makikomi (Head Winding Throw [Key turn])

JB-116, BB-766, V1-9

Atama Otoshi (Hair Grab Drop Throw)

JI-152, BB-781, V4-10

Eri Nage (Lapel Wheel Throw)

JB-120; BB-276, V3-14

Hane Goshi (Inner Sweeping Hip Throw)

JB-74, BB-5, V3-12

Harai Goshi (Outer Sweeping Hip Throw)

JB-60, 78, BB-4, V3-1

Hidari Te Nage (Left Hand Throw)

~L 16

Hiji Waza (Elbow Technique)

JB-104, 110, 112, 114, BB-509, 552, 599, 736, V2-12, V4-6, 12, V5-1, V8-20

Hiki Yoko Nage (Sleeve Pivot Throw)

JB-96, BB-126, V3-7

Hiki Waza [Mae Ushiro Nage] (Pulling Technique [Forward Rear Throw]

JI-124, BB-30, V4-1

Ippon Seoi-Nage (One Arm Hip Throw)

Juji (Cross Block)

JB-64, V1

Kao Tatake (Face Attack – not a strike or hit)

JB-52, JI-156, BB-783, V4-18

Koshi Nage (Hip Throw)

JB-46, BB-2, V1

Kubi Nage (Neck Throw)

JB-72, BB-28, V2-1

Kubi Shimi Waza [Neck Strangling Technique]

Kyuko Nage [Quick-Pull Throw]

JI-124, V4-1

Mae Ude Maki [Sutemi Waza]

JI-110/112, BB-178, V6-12

Mae Yubi Nage (Forward Finger Throw)

JB-80, JI-150

Makikomi (Body Winding Throw)

JB-82, BB-8, V3-9

Obi Nage (Belt Throw)

JI-88, BB-643, V4-8

Osoto Gari (Outer Sweeping Rear Throw)

JB-70, BB-51, V2-4

Ouchi Gari (Inner Sweeping Rear Throw)Ouchi Gari (Inner Sweeping Rear Throw)

JB-86, BB-560, V4-4

Senaka Hiki Nage (Reverse Throw – Shoulder Pull Throw)

JI-178, BB-785, V4-14

Shimi Waza [Pain/Strangling Technique]

JB-56, 88, 98, JI-121, BB-121, 664, V1-10, V2-6

Shioku Waza (Nerve Technique)

JB-54, 92, 118, JI-134, 147, JN-180, BB-134, 543, 606, V1-6, 12, V2-2, 5, 11

Sutemi/Suwari Waza (techniques from formal kneeling position)

JB-58, 64, JI-127, 164/166, BB-3, 13, 548, V6-9, 10, 11

Tai Otoshi (Body Drop Throw)

JB-48, 52, JI-144, BB-7, 251, 408, V1-3, V2-9, 10

Te Nage (Hand Throw)

JB-58, JI-118, 154, BB-3, 116, 664, V1-6, V4-2, 19

Te Nage [Suwari/Sutemi Waza]

JB-58, JI-118, 154, BB-3, 116, 664, V1-6, V4-2, 19

Te No Tatake (Blocking Hits)

JB-48, V1

Te Tatake (Hand Striking Techniques, various)

JB-46, V1

Tekubi Shimi Waza [Suwari/Sutemi Waza]

JB-90/80, BB-557/342, V2-15

Tekubi Yoko Nage (Wrist Side Throw)

JI-102, 131, BB-118, V3-5

Tomoe Nage (Stomach/Circle Throw)

JB-76, BB-11, V3-3

Ube Makikomi (Thumb Winding Throw)

JB-94, BB-293, V3-11

Ude Guruma (Armbar – reverse an attempted figure-4 armbar submission on ground)

JI-218, BB-586, V6-7

Ude Guruma (Corkscrew)

JB-64, BB-13, V2-7

Ude Guruma (Shoulder Lock Comealong)

JB-102, BB-565, V2-8

Ude Guruma (Shoulder Lock Hip Throw)

JB-122, BB-522, V4-16

Ude Guruma Makikomi (Armbar Winding Throw)

JB-64, 68, 106, BB-219, V2-14, V4-9

Ude Guruma Makikomi [Suwari/Sutemi Waza]

JB-68, BB-44, V2-13

Ude Guruma Ushiro (Armbar Shoulderlock Rear Takedown)

JB-66, 100, 102, BB-76, V3-2

Ude Guruma Ushiro (Shoulderlock Rear Takedown)

JB-100, BB-653, V1-11

Ude Makikomi (Winding Armbar Takedown)

JI-132, BB-48, V4-3

Uki Otoshi (Floating Drop Throw)

JB-78, JI-176, BB-259, 784, V3-8, V4-13

Ura Nage (Kneelock Rear Throw – on ground pulled by legs)


Ura Nage (Rear Throw)

JB-84, JI-80, 116, 122, 136, 204, BB-567, 621, 791, V4-11, 17, 21, V5-4

Ushiro Nage (Leg Lift Rear Throw)

JB-50, 84; BB-562, V3-6; V7-8

Yubi Nage (Finger Throw)

JB-60, JI-150, BB-342, 576, V2-15

1. The techniques listed above and below are in alphabetical order, NOT necessarily the order in which they are taught. Refer to the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Student Handbook for the actual instructional sequence.
2. Techniques with grey brackgrounds are not specifically listed on the shodan exam but may serve as alternate techniques in some cases.
3. There may be examples of multiple variations of the same technique listed in the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu reference column [3rd column].
4. References with an asterisk [*] are described only in the “Big Book”; not any other resource.

Nidan Kata:

Nawa No Ude Makikomi [Winding Arm Throw with Rope Bind]


Kubi Shioku Yoko Nage/Atama Shioku [Nerve Attack Side Throw and Head Scissor Submission]

JN-130, BB-180, V7-1

Atemi Waza [Striking Technique]


Hiji Tatake Kubi Nage [Elbow Strike Neck Throw]


Ude Maki [Arm Wind]


Hiki Guruma/Karada Tatake [Pulling Wheel Throw with Sternum/Chest Crush submission]


Ushiro Nage [Leg Block Rear Throw]

BB-747, V7-7

Ushiro Nage [Leg-Lift Rear Throw]

BB-748, V7-8

Kubi Shimi Nage/Shimi Waza [Neck-Choke Throw]


Kubi Shioku Waza [Neck Attack Rear Throw]



1. All techniques listed above can be found on the MP-4 video entitled Nidan & Sandan Kata at www.budoshin.com/dvdncd.htm
2. If a technique does not have a reference number you will not be tested on it.

Sadan Kata:

Hidari Nage [Wrist-Press Over the Shoulder Hair-Pull Throw]


Tekubi Nage [Wristlock Spiral Throw]


Karada Tatake Ushiro Nage [Body Strikes with Rear Throw]


Kao Tatake Ushiro Nage [Face Attack Rear Choking Throw]


Ushiro Nage [Leg Lift Rear Throw]


Ude Guruma Ushiro [Rear Armlock Takedown]



Tekubi Shimi Waza [Wristlock/Armlock Comealong]


Hiza Makikomi [Kneecap Winding Throw]


Ushiro Nage [Leg-Block Rear Throw]


1. All techniques listed above with a reference number [except those with an asterisk *] can be found on the MP-4 video entitled Nidan & Sandan Kata at www.budoshin.com/dvdncd.htm

Yodan Kata:

Kubi Shimi Waza [Headlock Choke with Optional knee Drop]


Ude Guruma [Rear-Throw Armbar]


Koshi Nage/Tai Otoshi [Armlock Hip Throw/Drop Throw]


Gyaku Koshi Nage [Reverse Hip Throw]


Hiji Waza [Elbow-Wrist Bend]


Karada Makikomi [Wristlock Body Winding Throw]


Hiji Makikomi [Elbow Wind Takedown or Forward Throw]


Sode Nage [Sleeve Pull Throw]


Shimi Waza [Headlock Standing Submission]


1. All techniques listed above with a reference number [except those with an asterisk *] can be found on the MP-4 video entitled Yodan & Godan Kata at www.budoshin.com/dvdncd.htm

Godan Kata:

Juji Te Hiki No Nage [Cross-Block Hand Pull Side Throw]


Ude Hiki Otoshi [Arm Pull Throw]

BB-386, V5-6

Hidari Nage [Wrist-Press over the Shoulder Hair-Pull Throw]


Tekubi Maki [Wrist Turn Reverse Ground Defense]


Hana Shimi Waza [Nose Press]

BB-326 [variation], 816


Ude Shioku Waza [Forearm Nerve Attack]


Ude Tatake Mae Ube Nage [Forward Thumb Throw]


Ude Guruma Ushiro [Shoulderlock Rear Takedown]



Gyaku Shioku Gatame [Reverse Headlock]

JN-145, BB-861

1. All techniques listed above can be found on the MP-4 video entitled Yodan & Godan Kata at https://budoshin.com/store/seminars-2-5dan-videos/

You should know at least 3-4 Ju-Jitsu techniques for each attack whenever possible.

Shodan/Nidan Waza

Hit (left-right or right-left, straight in or roundhouse, high or low)

Being Pulled (forward, backwards, sideways, one or two-handed pull)

Wrist Grab & Drag on Ground (by one or both wrists)

Mugging Attack (from rear: one hand over mouth, other arm pulled back, left or right)

Sucker-Punch (pull around from rear & hit, left or right)

Horizontal Club Attack (left or right, forehand or backhand)

Wrist Grab (front, side or rear, either one)

Reversing a Throw

Body Grab (front, rear, side)

Lapel grab (left, right, one or two hands)

Headlock – Standing (forward or backward)


Football Tackle


Choke (front, side, rear, one/two-handed)

Kick to Head or Torso on Ground (kick from side)

Bear Hug (front, rear, low or high {just above elbows})

Rear Shoulder Grab (left, right, same side or opposite)

Rear Waist Grab

Combination Hold and Attack (Various)

Hair Grab (front, side, rear, one/two-handed)

Multiple Attackers (Usually Two)

Overhead Club (left or right, straight down or angle)

(Various) Knife Threat to Throat (around neck from front or rear, optional grab with other hand)

Wrist Grab (two hands on 1 wrist, front, side, or rear)

Waist Grab (Various)

Foot Stomp to Face, on ground

Rear Nelson (before set, after set)

Clothing Grab (anywhere, one or two hands )

Knife Threat to Torso (front, side or rear)

Backhand Hit (left or right)

Reversing Opponent on Mat (various)

Double Hit (left-right or right-left, straight in or roundhouse)

Ground Defenses (apply standing techniques to ground situations)

Lapel Grab & Hit (left-right or right-left, straight in or roundhouse)

Escaping/Reversing Locks & Holds (not completely set)

Rear Forearm Choke (left or right arm)

Leg Grab & Drag on ground (one or both legs)

Kicks (left or right, 2 or more defenses)

Reverse for Headlock, on ground

Knife Attacks (various – 2 or more defenses)

Reverse for Attempted Fig.-4 Armbar, on ground

Rear Neck Grab (left, right or both hands)

Baton Attacks (left, right, hit, thrust, push)

Double Wrist Grab (front or rear)

Two-Man Carry (one grabbing feet/legs & the other grabbing wrists/arms)

Hit to Stomach (left or right, fist or backhand)

Attacks [any] While Seated in a Chair or on the Ground

Black Belt Syllabus — Other Areas of Measurement

In addition to the Kata & Waza portions of the mat exam competency in the following areas is required. Refer to the BJJY Black Belt Handbook for additional details.. 


General Response to Optional Oral Questions
Explanation of Techniques
Freestyle Kata demonstration
Defensive Tool Demonstration+


Shodan Requirements [above]
Countering and Reversing Throws Demonstration [optional]
Countering and Reversing Locks & Submissions Demonstration [optional]

Defensive Tool Demonstration [additional defensive tool]+


Shodan/Nidan Requirements [above]
Ki Flow and Transitioning Demonstration
Defensive Tool Demonstration [additional defensive tool]+


Sandan Requirements [above]
Body Kinetics Explanation & Demonstration
Defensive Tool Demonstration [additional defensive tool]+
Completion of AJA Black Belt Self-Evaluation & submission to sensei or examining board for review


Yodan Requirements [above]
Demonstration of Advanced Knowledge of the Art of Ju-Jitsu
Defensive Tool Demonstration [different defensive tool]+
Completion of AJA Black Belt Self-Evaluation & Submission to the AJA National Standards & Certification Board


Godan Requirements [above]
Demonstration of Advanced Knowledge of the Art of Ju-Jitsu
Completion of AJA Black Belt Self-Evaluation & Submission of the Self-Evaluation to the AJA National Standards & Certification Board

Yudansha [Black] Belt & Honorary Title Formalities


Approx Time in Grade:




Shodan – 1st dan

1-2 years

Black – 1 ½” red stripe optional


The head instructor of a dojo should always be addressed as “sensei” unless another title is used, regardless of the rank or the honorary titles the sensei may hold.

Nidan – 2nd dan

2 years^

Black – 2 ½” red stripes


^ instructor certification a prerequisite for promotion to nidan

Sandan – 3rd dan

3 years

Black – 3 ½” red stripes


Yodan – 4th dan

4 years

Black – 4 ½” red stripes


Godan – 5th dan

4 years^^

Black – 5 ½” red stripe


^^ Honorary title of renshi [superior teacher] may optionally be presented at any time during this grade, but not before 3 years after promotion to godan.

Rokudan – 6th dan

honorary^^^ – refer to AJA NSCB criteria

Black belt with kanji rank embroidered in gold or red/white checkered belt with kanji rank embroidered in black


^^^ Honorary title of renshi [superior teacher] may optionally be presented at any time during this grade or concurrently with promotion to rokudan.

Shichidan – 7th dan

honorary^^^ – refer to AJA NSCB criteria

Black belt with kanji rank embroidered in gold or red/white checkered belt with kanji rank embroidered in black


^^^^ Honorary title of kyoshi [master teacher] may optionally be presented at any time during this grade, but not before 3 years after promotion to shichidan.

Hachidan – 8th dan

honorary^^^ – refer to AJA NSCB criteria

Black belt with kanji rank embroidered in gold or red/white checkered belt with kanji rank embroidered in black


*Honorary title of kyoshi [master teacher] may optionally be presented at any time during this grade or concurrently with promotion to hachidan.
°The honorary title of shihan may optionally be presented to a hachidan for being a person of high moral character, integrity, humility, and scholarly abilities in addition to being an exceptional sensei. The optional issuance of the title of shihan may not be made before the candidate has held the rank of hachidan for at least 3 years. If the honorary title of shihan is accepted, the title of kyoshi shall be terminated.

Kudan – 9th dan

honorary^^^ – refer to AJA NSCB criteria

Black belt with kanji rank embroidered in gold or red/white checkered belt with kanji rank embroidered in black


***Honorary title of shihan [model teacher] may optionally be presented at any time during this grade or concurrently with promotion to kudan. °The honorary title of hanshi may optionally be presented to a kudan, at any time, for being a person of high moral character, integrity, humility, and scholarly abilities in addition to being an exceptional sensei. If the honorary title of hanshi is accepted, the title of shihan shall be terminated.

Judan – 10th dan

honorary^^^ – refer to AJA NSCB criteria

Black belt with kanji rank embroidered in gold or red belt with optional kanji rank embroidered in black


***Honorary title of shihan [model teacher] may optionally be presented at any time during this grade or concurrently with promotion to judan.
°The honorary title of hanshi may optionally be presented to a judan, at any time, for being a person of high moral character, integrity, humility and scholarly abilities in addition to being an exceptional sensei. If the honorary title of hanshi is accepted, the title of shihan shall be terminated.

Additional Notes & Requirements

Defensive Tool Demonstration: 

A “defensive tool” demonstration involves the application of “empty hand” techniques to any traditional or modern defensive tool as a response to street attacks. The use of a prepared uke is preferred. You must demonstrate proficiency with a total of 4 defensive tools plus satisfactorily complete a gun safety course as part of your yudansha testing from shodan to godan; 1 defensive tool or the gun safety course at each belt level.

+Defensive Tool Demonstration/Gun Safety Course: You MUST satisfactorily complete a gun safety course and provide certification of such in place of a “defensive tool” demonstration as one of your rank requirements for any rank from shodan through godan. The reason this is required is to help you develop some familiarity of firearms. Most black belts have absolutely no idea how to handle a gun, what happens when it fires, or the respect and care with which a firearm must be treated. This does not require that you purchase or own a gun. Nor does this requirement infer that we’re advocating such. Most professionally conducted gun-safety courses will provide you with a sidearm for training purposes. This course should help you develop a greater sense of respect of guns and what they can do from a self-defense point of view – from either end of the barrel. Law-enforcement and some active-duty military personnel may be exempt from this requirement if they have appropriate certification.

Eyes Open! 

Please be aware that there may be other sensei fraudulently claiming to hold yudansha grades in Budoshin Ju-Jitsu and there may be other organizations fraudulently issuing yudansha grades in Budoshin Ju-Jitsu. If you have any concerns about the legitimacy of anyone claiming to be a blackbelt in Budoshin Ju-Jitsu, please email the BJJY. You will receive a prompt reply.

Where Can the Nidan-Godan Kata Be Found? 

The kata for nidan/sandan [mp4 set] and yodan/godan [mp4 set] are available  at the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Store by clicking HERE. All of the techniques can be found in Budoshin Ju-Jitsu: Densho [7th ed., a.k.a. the “Big Book”.] To purchase a copy of Budoshin Ju-jitsu: Densho  click HERE.

To see the Budoshin Jujitsu kyu grade requirements please click HERE.