Budoshin Ju-Jitsu
The Gentle Art of Self-Defense


Below are unsolicited remarks about Budoshin Jujitsu and George Kirby: 

I am currently reading “Jujitsu Nerve Techniques” and chapter 5 has really hit home with me. I just felt compelled to let you know that and how meaningful it is to me that you get it! You’ve eloquently put into words so much of what I feel but have been unable to communicate with any meaning. RO 03/25

You have been a very positive influence on me and my martial arts career.  I have learned a great deal from you and your books, and videos.  To this very day I use these resources to make lesson plans and fine tune my own techniques. PK 03/25

In 1971 I was a 9th grade Geography Student, OV Jr. High. You brought in a tape player and played Santana. I was one of your top students. I went on to take a degree in Geography at CSUN, entered the Marines and spent 30+ years in the Reserves and multiple active duty assignments. Following my initial tour with the Marines, I then spent some years in law-enforcement and finished a Masters in Geography. I eventually started a small aerospace business and I’m still manufacturing today..You’re getting this note because a great deal of who I became was inspired by you in your Geography class in 1971. Glad to hear you’re still in the area. I have thought about you often over the years and I’m still inspired by your leadership in the teaching of others. Hope this finds you well. SB 10/24 

Good Morning and it looks like you just passed a milestone 80th Birthday.  It is always important, but I think more important to recognize those that have helped us along the way on our path.  I want to thank you again for all the years of mentoring and friendship we have shared.  It was your willingness to put yourself out there at risk in a school environment that helped me, a naive 9th grader who just came from 8 years of Catholic School, to survive in Olive Vista Junior High.  It was taking Ju Jitsu 3 hours a day and also staying through lunch that taught me immeasurable skills in life and maturity in 1978.  While I did not earn my BB until 1993.  I was not in a rush, but I was able to use the skills you taught me daily in my work in public safety.  You were instrumental in my success and your skills and counsel have always been treasured.  Thank you sir. AJ 3/24

Thanks for your contribution of elevating and maintaining jujutsu in America.  By the way, I have everyone of your books and in a sense, grew up with you.  You have become a branded sign post to my life in martial arts like Coca-Cola, Chevy and Baseball are to America.  Again, thanks for all your lifelong effort.  We never know the extent our influences have had on others and just wanted you to know. MJ 11/23

Wow blast from the past, glad to see your still at it. I was one of your students from Olive Vista Jr High, 1978,79. Best class I ever had, what a real honor to know you from then. Thank you, everyone I knew then that took that class loved it. And it was hard to get because so many wanted it. I absolutely loved it. -RG 5/23

George Kirby Sensei, is one of the best instructors of this generation to teach Jujitsu. -JK 5/23

Thank you Prof. Cushinan [for the Budoshin Jujitsu YouTube video]. I felt like I was back in 1974 in the gym at Olive Vista Jr. high. They broke the mold when they made Prof. Kirby. One of a kind Sensei and one of a king human being. You are continuing a legacy. He is the fertile earth where the roots of our love for martial arts (they are all jujitsu to me due to his wisdom) are forever planted. Due to his teaching I can even watch a boxing match and see so much jujitsu simply in the footwork and body manipulation. The journey is endless. Countless highs and lows. Just when your sure you have learned it all you realize you are a begginer. That is the true beauty of jujitsu. Just like life it is an endless circle. He formed so many young boys into great men. Tevis Simms, Steve Copping, The Harte Bros and so many others, Thank you again. -MR 12/22

Sir, I followed you along the way. Very happy to be your FB friend. Thank you for what you have done for Ju-Jitsu. -MMB 9/21

Thank you so much for being such a great teacher to us kids at Olive Vista. That class was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I still remember most of the moves, and they still work great. I am involved in Boy Scouts quite a bit and I use the hand and arm moves all the time with those guys. It’s great to see you in Black Belt magazine. Congratulations on your continued success in the art! -ET 9/21

Professor Kirby has provided a wealth of resources for us all to utilize, and we are very fortunate to have them. He is a pioneer of Jujitsu, an incredible wealth of knowledge and expertise, and a great instructor and friend to me and my students for almost 25 years. 

I am truly very thankful for that. -GC 8/21

I wanted to extend my gratitude and thanks for your teachings and guidance over the years. If not for you and the program you started at Olive Vista, I might have never learned self-control or any form of martial art. It is because of you that I live a martial life and I am grateful.

At the end of the day I am forever grateful for your guidance and help over the years. -AJ 8/21

Hello, Sir. I just wanted to chime in to let you know I recently found a copy of your 1983 book (“basic techniques of the gentle art”), and really enjoyed reading it. I am a practitioner of BJJ, however, I appreciate you keeping the Japanese tradition alive. It was neat to compare what we do to the techniques you illustrate in your book. EM 7/21

Sensei, you have been a true inspiration in my life. The study of Budoshin Ju-Jitsu has been life-changing for me as a martial artist. I truly want to continue to grow in this art. RT 7/21

Thank you for the video on YouTube. Professor Kirby was my Teacher/Sensei/Friend, in the late 70’s. He was also a history teacher at Olive Vista Jr. High, in Sylmar, CA where we first met. I was an annoying jerk in class, and Mr. Kirby didn’t care for me much (can’t blame him). But some time later I stepped into his Dojo and I did not see “Mr. Kirby”, I saw Sensei Kirby, and he Saw that, and everything was different. His teachings, and open mindedness helped me become a better person. Thank you, JM 7/21

This is a fantastic curriculum and lots of overlap with Hung Gar and Brazilian Luta Livre (no-gi grappling). I review the syllabus every night and look forward to your review. It will be great to start with Purple Belt (should I be successful) where I’ve been ironing out some of my previous techniques. I really need to compliment your style of jujitsu and I like this more than studying koryu which (IMO) focused too much on the cultural art rather than effective techniques. With that being said, I very much see to embrace your philosophy of jiujitusu – which includes patience, empathy, humility, integrity and all other positive values the human spirit can achieve. Thank you for your passion promoting the life-long study to the tradition and paying respects to the art and your teacher. I’m very grateful.  RM 5/21

Thank you for the impact you’ve had on my life and countless others in our community. You’ve taught me the values of patience, belief in self, constant learning and improvement, and giving of one’s self through teaching. Many evenings spent after class laughing and sharing stories over coffee have always been treasured moments in an otherwise hectic work week. You are appreciated more than you can ever imagine. Here’s to many more birthdays and many more years of teaching the gentle art! BD 3/21

I am glad to see you haven’t quit teaching the martial arts during this pandemic etc.  You were a teacher all of your life and those skills carry over to your martial arts teaching career.  Congratulations. You have been one of the most skilled instructors in the martial arts world I have ever seen, you have a skill that your teaching career has been a natural skill all of your life. Keep up the good work, I have learned the “finer” points of your style, with my past history in the Throwing arts. Keep up the good work. HM 12/20

Master Kirby, I am regularly reading/ studying your Books and videos, they have and continue to be a huge influence in my training and teaching! I just wanted to say that I am very thankful for all you do for the Jujitsu/ martial arts practitioner’s around the world! I look forward to continuing to learn from your teaching! Much Respect SENSEI KIRBY!!  GB 11/20

Dear Sensei, I wanted to thank you for ingraining and me a sense of Honor and discipline. Without the time that I got to be your student, I don’t think my life would have gone in the direction it did. Thank you so much for your time and your heart may God bless you for the lives you’ve made a difference in. Again thank you. TF 8/20 [Student fom Olive Vista Jr High. early 1980s]

Good day Professor. I found both books [Jujitsu Nerve Techniques and Jujitsu Figure-4 Locks] Amazon, used in pristine condition for about $20 each. I learn a lot from your books and videos. Thank you sir. JL 8/20

Thanks again for the inspiration over the years I’ve trained in Budoshin, and for the eloquently expressed practical guidance contained in your many books.  TD 6/20

Between the years of 1989-1991, the Los Angeles Police Department was undergoing a police altercation/use-of-force study, that is still the only one of it’s kind in law enforcement history.  The LAPD took over 5,000 use of force reports in 1989 and 1991, and analyzed those reports for altercation patterns. This resulted in five altercation patterns that officers were involved.  The altercation patterns were the same in 1989 and 1991 use of force study. This study became the first, and only, scientifically validated arrest and control/use of force study in law enforcement.” In 1992, as co-developer of this training, and on behalf of the Los Angeles Police Department, I reached out to the best martial artist and training styles to show their systems in helping officer’s effectively, and with as minimal risk of injury as possible, subdue combative subject’s. This study, once validated, developed, and approved by the Department and the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, was used to teach the entire police department as well as instructors from outside Federal, State and local law enforcement. Sensei Kirby was selected to be a member of LAPD’s Civilian Martial Arts Advisory Panel (C-MASAP), to demonstrate his martial arts in subduing combative subject’s. Sensei Kirby spent countless hours in offering techniques, and training drills that allowed instructors to teach these skills to recruit and in-service officers. Due to Sensei Kirby’s expertise in perfecting physically safe and effective techniques to assist officers in restraining unarmed, combative subject’s, I incorporated several of these techniques into our curriculum. It is with great pride that the City of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Police Department, express their appreciation to Sensei Kirby.”  Steve Uhrig, Co-developer, Los Angeles Police Department’s Arrest and Control training. 4/20

George Kirby is a mentor and role model to thousands of young people over his career. While he started and learned martial arts earlier in life, I encountered him as a Junior High School teacher in Sylmar, California. He pioneered a program to teach Ju Jitsu in Jr High. He taught 3 hours of martial arts for “credit” and taught another hour during lunch each day. He changed the lives of everyone he touched with a calm voice and even demeanor.  As a 14 year old kid, he taught me and changed my life forever. He taught me a true martial artist is in control of his skills at all times and chooses when to use them. Memorable examples were watching him intervene when two students were fighting. He easily separated them, with no observable violence of his own. He was in complete control. On the mat that afternoon, he related some wisdom in our lesson. He told us he always lets the fight start before intervening so he was never accused of being too forward. Additionally, both parties saved face by being separated by a teacher. Both knew who the winner was and who the loser would be. The winner could claim victory and the loser would make sure not to get caught up in that situation again.   As a 14 year old, it was such an example of mastery and control, at 55 I can see it as if it was yesterday.   Later, George Kirby pioneered online training before cell phones and the internet withuse of video testing of a structured program. I have stayed in contact with my sensei for the last 41 years. I have continued to learn from his example. I have hosted him as a law enforcement instructor in defensive tactics. I have shared a dinner table and read his books to continue learning. George Kirby is first a gentleman, then a husband and father, finally one of the world’s foremost experts in Budoshin Ju Jitsu. -AJ 4/20 

Your 8-dvd home study course is down and dirty to the point no nonsense jujutsu , that unlike many other systems is totally realistic. master kirby has made jujutsu simple for the westerner without watering it down and gives you a wide range of powerful methods to deal with dangerous situations in our time. what is shown is a plethora of extremly brutal throws and and excruciatingly painful joint locks to deal effectively with just about any attack be it empty hand or weapons, the guy will down hard and not get up. thank you budo for offering this. -WC 3/20

George Kirby has been teaching this style of jujitsu for a long time. He is a pioneer in distance learning for martial artists as well. This set is packed with information and well worth getting for any serious student of jujitsu. -JT 3/20

Your Black Belt Home Study Course is the most detailed dvd set ever in the history of japanese jujitsu. Very ease to learn from and very detailed. Also you can get in touch with Master Kirby and earn rank through him. This is a must have set because so much knowledge can be gained from it. Plus the price is very reasonable. -AA 3/20

I have learned so much from you and all your materials, and your support has been instrumental in my personal training and teaching.
I strongly believe that giving back is a big and important part of the budo journey.
This is my 40th year in martial arts, and 28th in teaching.
You have never been political in any way, and have always been very supportive of personal growth. I admire that, and thank you for that as well.
I was honoured to be part of your consortium, as well as helping to update the student guide. I am also honoured when you send notes asking for feedback and ideas, and assistance to other instructors and students. It’s really nice to know that you value my input.
If there is positive feedback on the video [I recently sent to you for distribution], then I would be happy to share more. I did mention a potential ground applications video when I showed the head-nose twist application on the ground, so let’s see if anyone picked up on that 😉
Bottom line, know that you are greatly appreciated. –GC 2/20

A friend introduced me to Budoshin. He owns all of Mr. Kirby’s books and videos. He said Budoshin was one of the more practical systems of traditional Jujitsu he has seen. BK 2/20

We have never met, but I have studied your books since I was young, and I trained with teachers who understood the art [students of Remy Presas and teachers of “old style” Kano Ju-Jitsu].I have always found your books to be clear, direct, and insightful – in a way that enhanced and complimented physical training. Thank you for your contribution to the art and science, and keeping it alive.Even though I am old, weak, clumsy, and broken, like my friend Earl said, “I only got 2 minutes in me. Then Earl has to walk away. But my 2 minutes is enough. “Thank you for what you have done to preserve the art. GW 1/20

I was very impressed by your books Figure 4 and Advanced Jujitsu and so wanted to continue learning about your system. I have spent nearly 12 years studying the human body as a lever system and it’s application to martial arts and was pleasantly surprised by your treatment of the subject. I recently decided to start studying joint locking, take downs etc.. and so I found your figure 4 book. I was particularly delighted by your pronation/supination discussion as this was a distinction I had never even considered. Anyhow, I look forward to studying your material in depth whether or not I ever test for grading. I’ll definitely email you again if/when I come across some material needing clarification. In all of your material, you are very succinct and organized in your approach and it is really very impressive. Thanks! AR 8/19

Recommendation? Are you kidding? George can’t possibly need a recommendation for anything. The man is a Living Jiu Jitsu Legend. His love of the art, his love of teaching and of community building shine through everything he does. You’d be lucky indeed for him to be involved with any project you’re involved in. JB 7/19

Master Kirby, i would again like to thank you for all that you do for the Martial arts community! You teaching has become a very important part of my life and in my Dojo! BOW!! GB 6/19

Simplicity is mastery. I’m taking my Sandan exam next week. ET 6/19

Interestingly enough, when I first started training, your books were the books I read on Jujitsu: Jujitsu figure 4 locks, Jujitsu Basic techniques, Intermediate jujitsu techniques, & Jujitsu nerve techniques. They’re still a reference today. JW 1/19

I have Kirby’s books, basic intermediate and advanced, I studied judo and jujitsu for a few years now, and those book help explain so much of the theory behind the art. SM 4/18

I want to thank you for all your efforts to publish this interesting JJ magazine and the great work you do. What I want to express simply is: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Your great motivation in doing it creates motivation for other people. FK 3/18

Would really like to say that you do and have done a great job of preserving, teaching, and spreading this tradition. Thank you so much. JS 8/17

Thank you for your excellent books. I encountered them when first published, and have given me great additional insight in my practice of Arnis and police Judo. GW 7/17

George Kirby has been such a wonderful mentor and friend for the past 14 years of my life, and he is an inspiration to me in his kindness, willingness to give of his time and expertise, and his continued passion for the art after so many decades. BD 7/17

Thank you Professor George Kirby. You have been instrumental in the success of the Markham Jujitsu Club, not only in your support and mentorship . . . but also with Budoshin Jujitsu as the core of our syllabus. GC 6/17

Thank you for being such a positive influence on my life. You are truly an inspiration to me and many other martial artists around the world. Your dedication to propagate this beautiful art as well as truly being an educator as evidenced by your books is second to none. I tell people all the time that when I grow up I want to be just like you. I do not say that facetiously but really mean it as you truly are one of the greatest martial artists ever. RT 6/17

It’s good to see you’re making more videos. I own four of your books and would love to learn traditional jujutsu like you teach but there are none in my state. Thank you for your contribution to the martial arts, Mr. Kirby. DD 5/17

Good morning Hanshi! I have been practicing and studying your books!I absolutely love everything about Budoshin Jujitsu ,Thank you for all that you do! BOW! GB 1/17

It’s good to know your community appreciates all you’ve done for it! The appreciation is extended to the rest of the world, especially here in Japan. You’re a exemplary model in a time when your country needs you most. ,,,RB12/16

Great teacher and inspirational human being. I have had the privilege of attending the Arlington seminars for the last five years. Wonderful learning experience. …SD 12/16

Only those people who are fortunate enough to work directly with you will get both where you are actually coming from, and where you are capable of delivering people. Your gifts can not be summed up adequately in words or commendations. Direct experience is the only way to even begin grasping your vast skill-set: teaching, relating, demonstrating, inspiring, balancing, off-balancing and laughing your way through life. You are all gift! May you always feel the radiance of the heart-felt gratitude of so many students, grand-students, and great-grand-students. …DC 12/16

I must say that your curriculum has and continues to fill in many ” gaps” of knowledge regarding a through understanding of Japanese Jujitsu. There are many instructional video presentations and much available on you tube, however, simply ” parroting” techniques without understanding of concepts of timing, distance, line familiarization, body mechanics, etc… will , in my opinion, leave the practitioner with a fairly ” empty ” understanding of the art. I feel that your approach fixes this problem. I am very grateful for your commitment to the attention to detail in teaching this art that can be complex in learning without a good teacher. …MM 11/16

A simple note to say thank you for the many years of devotion to the art of Ju-Jitsu. It’s too bad that Canada does not have your equivalent. Maybe one day someone will rise and see the need. Nobody will be able to do what you have done. You are to Ju-Jitsu what Gordy Howe and Wayne Gretsky were to hockey. …JB 7/16

I was watching a documentary about Marlon Brando. He had all the fame and fortune and yet had a pretty miserable life. Your fame and fortune is that you are living a wonderful life surrounded by people who appreciate all you’ve done not only for the art of jujitsu, but as a teacher and human being. …RB 7/16

I recently received your new book [Jujitsu: Advanced Techniques for Redirecting an Opponent’s Energy] and have been reading it non-stop! It is a fantastic book that really breaks down the mechanics of self-defense and I just love it. To often, martial art students are told to do technique “A” but have no idea why that technique works! I can’t wait to get more of your books and will soon be getting your dvd set. If only you had a dojo in central Illinois! 🙂 …SM7/15

I loved your book sir [Advanced Jujitsu]. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge. …MM 1/13

I had the chance to meet you in the late 80’s. After that meeting, I really became inspired to do Jiu Jitsu, even though I have been involved in Kempo for now 40 yrs. Just want to say thank you for your gift to all of us who study the Gentle Art. …JM 7/12

I had been teaching judo and kenpo jujitsu for the past 15 years in the usa. before I moved over here [to the UK] this last February. I went back home and am trying to get all my students to go through BUDO-SHIN jujitsu. I think that budoshin jujitsu represents the real ‘core’ of japanese jujitsu. CN 12/11

I want you to know that you also made this community service program possible with your support and dedication to The Art. Without your hard work through your publications and DVD’s I would not be as effective as I am with these guys. It gives me a wonderful reference. BG 12/11

Professor just watched all your you tube video’s! That was some great stuff so well explained an executed. I like how you point out common mistakes I’ve found myself making those mistakes wondering what did I do wrong? I guess with all those years of experience comes just that great technique and experience. Thank You for sharing. Osu RS 10/11

I would like to say thank you for all that you do to keep the traditional art of Jujitsu alive. TO 10/11

I so hope you remember me and that this e mail puts a smile on your face if you do. I believe it was in 1977 that I won a western US regional championship under your tutelage, whilst at Olive Vista Jr High. I think I also earned a few other trophies in my short career with you in addition to 1977. But, having finally decided to look you up online, I am very happy to tell you that you have always remained in my memory fondly. I want to thank you for being my Sensei back in “the day” as they say. Thank You—-Thank You—-Thank You—-Thank You—-Thank You—-Thank You—- David Snow 4/10

I recently read your latest two texts, the theory book and the figure four book. I just wanted to send a quick note to praise you for both of them. There is so much mixed-up martial arts stuff (MMA–my teacher’s joke, not mine 🙂 ), finding books on real martial arts for those of us who train for self defense and self-actualization is a real challenge. Both of your books were greatly appreciated. RP 2/10

I just received my 8 DVD set and watched the first two volumes. I am completely impressed with the quality of your instruction and the DVD’s. The slow motion photography is exactly what I had hoped for to break down the techniques for better understanding. I was also impressed by your mastery of Jujitsu and how relaxed and fluid your movements are. I have been viewing your 8 DVD instruction set every day this week since I got it. I am definitely absorbing and integrating the techniques as I watch them and look forward to each dojo practice. Not only is the slow motion photography great, you repeat your techniques several repetitions and from different camera angles. In addition you do the techniques real time slow and real time fast. My enthusiasm for Jujitsu is on the increase by watching these DVD’s. Thank you and your staff for making these movies. …RS 11/09

I hope this finds you and finds you well. My name is Paul Hall [name used with permission]. You taught my brother and I Ju-Jitsu. At John Muir Junior High School through the Burbank YMCA around 1971. I was 12 years old and I still have my (gi) and green belt.I was speaking to a new client yesterday. And your name rolled off my tongue. When a name comes to me that easily. I have to say thank you to that person. You taught me self-defense. But, I can see now it really was defense from my self. Respect for all those who had something to teach me. The ability to take a fall. Whether it be physical or emotional. Tuck, get the air out (yell), roll, slap the mat to help break the fall, protect yourself, spring back up, then Fight or Flee, but always in control of myself. My choice Fight or Flee. You have touched so many life’s.I want to thank you for everything you taught me, to help shape my life. Its amazing how many people you have helped through people like me. Now helping others. Only God knows all the life’s that you have touched. I know how good LIFE is. Thank you. …PH 11/08

I have studied several martial arts in my lifetime, my purpose being to acquire the knowledge to defend myself and go home at night. I have over the years blended Aikido, wing chun, jeet kune do, sambo, and some of the Filipino arts into what i believe to be an effective system. I would like you to know that i will incorporate a very large portion of your 8dvd home study course into my system, especially your street defense tactics. I work a lot on entering techniques which i believe to be the key to any combat system, one has to be able to enter safely and take control immediately, but from living on the streets a good part of my life I know that the techniques in your dvds are very realistic for street defense and I would recommend them to anyone that is serious about their safety..I think my purchase of your dvds was well worth the money i spent on the purchase. JV 3/08

I have received the DVDs. My senpai and I spent the evening with Disk 1. We were very pleased with it. In addition to broadening our view of basic techniques, there were two small techniques on the disk that solved long-standing mysteries for us. As far as I am concerned, that was worth the price of admission, and I still have seven disks to go! Thanks again for going to the effort to create this reference. BC 2/08

This is the first time I have taken a martial arts course this way. It has its challenges, but it has already made me a better instructor in many ways. LJ 4/07
I believe that I was one of your students many years ago (1978-9) at Olive Vista Jr. High in Sylmar. I’m thrilled to see that your are still teaching and involved in Jujitsu. I did not continue in the art past Jr. high but have always remembered fondly the time I spent in your class. You provided guidance, discipline and skills that have stayed with me to this day. When I saw your name I just wanted to take the time to say hello. TC 2/07

Advanced Jujitsu, The Science Behind The Gentle Art takes us into the mind of a tenth degree black belt in jujitsu who shares with us the physics behind martial arts, the thought processes of a master, and the most efficient way to practice and execute techniques. This great book offers the serious martial artist extremely valuable concepts and insights that are the result of four decades of experience. It explains anatomy and kinesiology as they relate to all martial arts.
I expected a straightforward presentation of the next level of techniques in jujitsu. I got all that, and so much more. Advanced Jujitsu is a gift to the martial arts community. Thank you for sharing your wisdom Mr. Kirby! DC 2/07

Advanced Jujitsu is a great book for “advanced thinkers” and practitioners of Ju-Jitsu, or any martial art. As stated in book’s description and subtitle, it covers the SCIENCE Behind the art. It is not a visual “how to” book. It is a book of disclosure. Put simply, if you know how to accomplish a kick, a throw, or joint lock, etc… this tells you why it works. By exposing the physics of technique, the author helps us to deepen our understanding of “cause and effect” in relation to our movements. TD 2/07

Jujitsu: Intermediate Techniques rocks!! This is the 2d in a Series of books on the topic by Mr Kirby , it picks up where the 1st left off. This is unabashedly a how to book and does it’s job clearly and succinctly . Mr Kirby shows the finer points of the art to the student (while not all the techniques are street applicable they demonstrate concepts that are vital to an understanding of the workings of Jujitsu).Mr Kirby also discusses tactics techniques and strategy for use of jj in real situations. The work is excellent and would be complimented by the DVD series Mr Kirby did on the subject. Well Done . DP 2/07

I will be teaching Mang Ho Self Defense at the University of South Florida. I will be using your book Jujitsu Nerve Techniques as one of my required books. GMJ

I am a High School Science Teacher and Wrestling coach. I have taught several of your lower and intermediate level Ju-Jitsu techniques to my wrestlers and have attained great success with these techniques. EB

I studied Aikido for two years and was always disappointed that the books on the subject never showed the details you have in your nerve book. Good work. MH

I am not sure that you remember me. You were my instructor in 1977 at Olive Vista Jr High. I have thought of you often over the years with fondness and Respect. You have been an inspiration to me in many ways. I just want to thank you for caring about us and the art, to instill in me a desire to be the best me I could be. I am better for having known you. SS

Thank you sir, thanks for what you do for me personally, the art and the association. I feel very disjointed here in Wyoming, but you always make me feel like I am in the loop and not completely forgotten. Merry Christmas… AJ

I have most of your tapes and books and refer to them often. I have been involved in Jujitsu for nearly fifty years and your tapes are right on the top of my list of “authentic jujitsu.” I am in Knoxville, TN and you are way out on the West Coast. If you were closer I would certainly see you. I am a 6th Dan in Shingitai Jujitsu and Kodokan Jujitsu (USJA) and, agin, have found your work very impressive. I am the head coach of Judo and Jujitsu at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. Thank you for signing the book I recently purchased. …DJT

Review of Tape #1: [for complete review go to http://home.att.net/~erik.mann/gkbjl1.htm ]In this, the first of 8 volumes by Mr. Kirby on Ju-Jitsu, one is shown how to use this art from a street effective, self-defense perspective. In our opinion, Mr. Kirby has created an excellent video that’s fairly easy to learn. The first few minutes of the video go through correct posture, stretches, some exercises, break falls, and blocks. Following this, the heart of the program takes one through 12 self-defense techniques using some moves seen in judo, others in Japanese Jujitsu. Most of the 12 had extensions/sub-components, that combined, could almost give one 24 Ju-Jitsu techniques total to practice. Not bad for a short 40 minute video! This could keep the average beginner busy for many hours, learning how to perform the techniques. If most just spent one hour, on each of the twelve techniques shown, including their sub-components, the beginner, in our opinion, would have a great base from which to build on. I felt the real beauty of this tape was the way Mr. Kirby used striking techniques to close the distance and distract the opponent, so one could set up the techniques. Well done Mr. Kirby, can’t wait to see the next one.
Review of Tape #4: [for complete review go to http://home.att.net/~erik.mann/gkbjl4.htm ]. . . in this tape, you get over 50 techniques (counting extensions and the freestyle section)! This could keep the average student easily busy for 50-100 hours as Mr. Kirby suggested. I felt the real beauty of this tape was once again the way Mr. Kirby used strikes on some of the techniques to close the distance and distract the opponent, so one could set up the techniques. But in addition to that, from #13 on, one is shown counters and knife defense too. And just when you think you’d seen it all, the “icing on the cake” comes at the end where one gets to see a couple of minutes of “Freestyle” in which Mr. Kirby defends himself against 2 Uke’s, that are constantly coming at him randomly in every way imaginable. This series, titled “Self Defense Ju-Jitsu”, I felt really showed how to use the art from a realistic street mindset, versus many of the Ju-Jitsu tapes I’ve seen that show sport techniques, or techniques that make one wonder “Why would a person hold still for that?” Once again, well done Mr. Kirby.

ur ideas in the gentle-art-books have been a row of good and helpful hints on my own way. but ur newest book, i just read it, was really a new dimension. i reached 6.dan in aiki jujutsu, just got 5.dan nihon jujutsu bei sato hanshi, but i found many new skills for me and my pupils. despite of being member of EMT – the human body suddenly is full of new attacking points. for days my pupils are crying – page for page i study ur guide, with much effort! receiving newest information i just wanted to tell u this, and i want to thank u for ur work – the distance between CA and good old europe is too big
to tell u this on the tatami. …AB

Have bought the tapes and they are excellent . The techniques for the most part are simple and direct , (this is the highest compliment), they would be applicable in self-defense ! situations . I have incorporated many of them into the self-defense portion of my taekwon do classes . I enjoy the BJJ philosophy of always trying to help ones attacker (was a boy scout once) and letting him do the work of the technique ie pull you up so you can make the strike , set the lock etc…..The site is a wealth of useful information. …DP [2nd dan TaeKwonDo

The Budoshin JuJitsu tapes are excellent! I purchased my full set about 7years ago, and I still use them as a reference tool today.The instruction is very clear, the use of slow motion helmentioned, there is more than enough material and variations to take you all the way to Nidan… and beyond.
The more you watch the tapes, the more you pick up, the more you learn to blend and borrow when you get to higher rank levels. These tapes (and your books) have provided a link between me in Toronto Canada, and you in California that would never have been possible otherwise. As a long distance learner, your tapes have been an outstanding opportunity for me to learn, practice, and now as a Nidan/Instructor, to teach Budoshin JuJitsu Many thanks to you for all your hard work and support. Make sure everyone purchases your books and DVDs as well. Your books are used in every one of my classes as reference tools for my students, and they love them! …GC

Sensei, I have read a couple of your books and the website will visit often. …WR

I picked up your book at the local martial arts supply store when we were buying our gi’s not knowing you association with O’Sensei. Thank you for writing it as I find myself thumbing through the text often in between practices. …ERC

How have you been? I hope this finds you in good health and good spirits. I do not believe I have ever thanked you properly before. So I just wanted you to know that Ju-Jitsu has been one of the most influential experiences on my life. I believe it has helped me be the person that I am today. Thank you for your support, effort and guidance. Sorry for not keeping in touch, but you have to understand how hard it was to quit. Thanks again. …